Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Top 10 Things to do Before the Spiders come

1: Check the Title Tags.

In our opinion, creating great title tags can be one of the most valuable ways to help increase your SEO. Make sure you have relevant, keyword-rich title tags for each page you create. This will make it easy for web browsers to search and display your website.

2: If you have a flash introduction, be sure there is a link that allows you to pass it.

Many webpages have a fancy splash page, but no way to navigate around it. Google cannot read into a flash page, so be sure to include a text link to your website’s second index. Overall this type of intro can add to your site's visual appeal, but don't let it ruin your opportunity to get indexed quickly.

3: Don't forget to check the META Tags.

When there is a lot of navigation code that wouldn’t make sense to a human searcher, Google relies on these tags to describe a site. Be sure to set up some valid keywords and a description- just in case.

4: Make sure all your links are in working order.

Check and double check to make sure there are no broken links on your site. Not only does this create errors for a web crawler, but it also creates problems for your site users. Nothing is more disappointing to a web surfer than believing they've found just the right info... only to discover the "page is not found." It reduces a website's credibility, and it leaves users feeling unfulfilled. Make sure you're information is plentiful, and your site is in perfect working order. These are the keys to web popularity and credibility.

5: Check the ALT Tags.

Few people take the time to put these in order, but ALT tags help spiders understand all of your graphics. Don’t spend too much time on this, but every little bit helps!

6: Check your frames.

If you use frames on your website, it may not be fully indexed. Google recommends that you check out this article by Danny Sullivan called Search Engines and Frames.

7: Question- Do you have dynamically generated pages?

Google claims they will be limiting the number of dynamic webpages they will index. It may help if you include some static content in your pages.

8: Keep your content fresh.

Google likes to index pages more frequently when they are updated on a regular basis. It’s also a great way to keep visitors returning when you offer them fresh new content. Blogs, articles, and new products/special offers are all a great way to keep Google - and customers - coming back for more.

9: The robots.txt

This file allows you to filter out the bots that crawl your website, plus you can restrict certain URLs that do not need to be indexed. This is a tremendous resource if used properly.

10: Caches

If you do not want Google to cache a website, simply include this line of code between your head tags:


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